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They are expressed

1.He had lived with this block for several months now, studied it in every light from every angle, in every degree of heat and cold. 2. He felt discouraged, strangely empty. 3. He came in slowly, hesitated, took up a toothpick from a dish on the top of the piano, and went out again. 4. From the edge of the sea came a ripple and whisper. 5. They went side by side, hand in hand silently towards the hedge. 6. The light outside had chilled, and threw a chalky whiteness on the river.7. Opening the drawer he took from the sachet a handkerchief and the framed photogragh of Fleur. 8. The captain was mostly concerned about himself his own comfort, his own safety. 9. Her mother was speaking in her low, pleasing, slightly metallic voice. 10. And suddenly she burst into tears of disappointment, shame and overstrain. 11. Then, without a word of warning, without the shadow of provocation, he bit that poodle’s near foreleg. 12. There were tangerines and apples strained with stawberry pink.

Exercise 4. Point out the homogeneous parts in the following sentences. State their


1. The ascent was long and tiring. 2. Your objection is interesting, but not convincing. 3. They can, and get their small supplies from Calcutta. 4. The man looked worldly, and elegant, and confident of himself. 5. Poor Dicky had no word of cheer either from his stepmother, or from his stepsister, or from the nurse. 6. Both the coach and the boys will be delighted to see you in our team again. 7. He felt neither defeated, nor discouraged in any way. 8. Have a sandwich and a cup of tea with jam and biscuit and join us down in the hall. 9. Once or twice the two envoys met on a neutral ground, but neither of them was going to make or willing to accept a suggestion for an early resumption of talks on the disputed matters. 10. He has made a downright blunder and won’t admit it. 11. The dancer returned to the stage, made a curtsey, then kissed her hand to the audience and left amid a stormy applause. 12. Her noble, spiritual features expressed content and gratitude. 13. Two oval white clouds, silvery and golden at the edges, floated like twin fairy swans over the crystal blue of the southern sky.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 522 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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