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Exercise 2. Complete the following so that compound sentences should be formed

1. Take the lid off the pan, or else (the soup, to boil over).

2. Some people like hot weather, whereas (others, can’t stand…)

3. either you will buy the tickets, or (I, to ask…)

4. There are shedding leaves, for (autumn, to set in).

5. You are inexperienced, hence (you, can’t judge).

6. She is small and thin, while (her children, to be …).

7. Both the friends were fond of music, so (they, to talk …).

8. I asked to stay some days more, still (they, to make up one’s mind…).

9. The train started at 5 a.m., therefore (we, to get up …).

10. He was quite a young boy, nevertheless (everybody, to respect…).

11. Neither a telegram was sent, nor (a letter, to be written).

12. I met him somewhere, but (I not to remember…).

13. She was a delicate child, while (her brother, to be …).

14. He was not much afraid, yet (he, to ask…).

Exercise 3. Comment on the meaning of the coordinating conjunction and (addition, succes­sion or simultaneity; causative-consecutive or adversative meaning).

1. Rebecca's mother had had some education somewhere, and her daughter spoke French with purity and a Parisian accent. (Tha­ckeray). 2. She had already taken leave of him once...; and now she had nothing to say, nothing whatever. (Bennett). 3. The relations between her and Fossette [the dog] were not marked by transports, and her rule over dogs in general was severe. (Bennett). 4. They were all tremendously great men, and the so-called experts were all tre­mendously sure they were right. (Berkeley). 5. A padding of unshod hoofs came up the lane, and three dim, dark shapes passed — ponies on an evening march. (Galsworthy). 6. The catastrophe came, and she was brought to the Mall as to her home. (Thackeray). 7. Susan was a princess and I was the equivalent of a swine-herd. 8. There was a pane missing in the kiosk and a cold wind blew in. (Braine). 9. That poor boy asked me to help him to get a chance to propose — and I sent them out for a walk. (Berkeley). 10. Constance, in addition to the sciatica, had caught a sneezing cold, and the act of sneezing caused her the most acute pain. (Bennett). 11. "He follows me around out here all Hie time, and I don't want him." (Dreiser). 12. On the instant she straightened up, and her eyes filled with a great pain. (Dreiser). 13. He laughed, and so did she. (Dreiser). 14. Then the bazooka shell burst on the tower and I was on my face again. (Greene). 15. The moon shone like day, and Nella had full opportu­nity to observe her quarry. (Bennett). 16. "... they've been married nearly ten years and they haven't had any children." (Braine) 17. "I gave Joe a lift home last night and we called at the St. Clair." (Braine). 18. Every bough was swinging in the wind, every spring bird calling, and a slanting sunlight dappled the grass. (Galsworthy).

Exercise 4. Make up one compound sentence by joining two simple ones with the help of the conjunction and; in the second clause use the English equivalent for the Rus­sian word «тоже».

Model: You don't like to have a tooth pulled out. I don't like to have a tooth pulled out. — You don't like to have a tooth pulled out, and I don't like it either.

1. You have not been to Uglich. I have not been there.

2. She does not like jazz-band. My people do not like jazz-band.

3. I never take medicine. She does not take medicine.

4. She is not fond of such kind of poetry. I am not fond of it.

5. My aunt never goes to football matches. My grandmother never 1 goes to football matches.

6. You never make spelling mistakes. My friend never makes spelling mistakes.

7. I do not go to the South in July. My sister does not go to the South in July.

Exercise 5. Join the following sentences into one using the conjunction so or neither. (Mind the order of words in the second clause of the compound sentence).

Model: 1) I am going to hear this concert. My sister is going to hear it too.— I am going to hear this concert, so is my sister.

2) Bananas don't grow in the North. Pine apples don't grow in the North either. — Bananas don't

grow in the North, neither do pine-apples.

1. He would have liked to be present at that lecture. I should have liked to be present at the. lecture too.

2. I have never been to Scandinavian countries. My. children have never been to Scandinavian countries either.

3.You are not responsible for this accident. Your husband is not responsible for it either.

4. But for the meeting I should have been at the concert yesterday. My fellow-students would have been there too.

5.I am greatly interested in this subject. My friend is also interest­ed in it.

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