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Exercise 1. Point out homogeneous parts, define them and state what are they expressed by

1. She was wearing a black pleated skirt and a bright red blouse of very fine poplin. (Braine). 2. It was a low, pleasant laugh. (Braine) 3."Vaults closing!" Samuel would say and yawn. (Bennett). 4.Was he unaware that his wife was the proudest and the most ob­
stinate woman on earth? (Bennett). 5. She turns round and loo at her husband. (Wilde).

6. Algernon: Ah! that must be Aunt Augu­sta. Only relatives or creditors ever ring in that Wagnerian manner.(Wilde). 7. They could not have moved or spoken since he went.
(Maugham). 8. He raised her to her feet and partly dragging her,
partly carrying her, got her downstairs.(Maugham). 9. He has asked
his questions querulously but sternly... (Aldridge). 10. Regret for the past and the future is the same... (Sommerfield) 11. But again Ashurst smiled and shook his head. (Galsworthy). 12. She was walking on before him so lightly and so erect... (Joyce). 13. Once he was caught in a knot of children running away from some­thing or somebody... (Greene). 14. Sophia got the kettle and washed it up. (Bennett). 15. There was starlight, but no moonlight. (Greene). 15. The third [girl] was perhaps seventeen, tall and fair-haired too. (Galsworthy). 16. In the silence Gabriel could hear the falling of the molten wax into the tray and the thumping of his own heart against his ribs. (Joyce). 17. Then, suddenly raising herself on tiptoe and resting her hands lightly on his shoulders, she kissed him. (Joyce). 18. He was both curious and eager to have more pre­cise information of his friends of the previous evening. (Cronin). 19. Digging went on through Tuesday and Wednesday. (Warner). 20. I watched him read his letters, saw him frown at one, smile at another... (Du Maurier).

Дата публикования: 2014-12-08; Прочитано: 541 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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