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It was on the third turn that he saw the fish first

He saw him first as a dark shadow that took so long to pass under the boat that he could not believe its length.

"No," he said. "He can't be that big."

But he was that big and at the end of this circle he came to the surface only thirty yards away and the man saw his tail out of water. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water. It raked back and as the fish swam just below the surface the old man could see his huge bulk and the purple stripes that banded him. His dorsal fin was down and his huge pectorals were spread wide.

On this circle the old man could see the fish's eye (на этом круге старик увидел глаз рыбы) and the two gray sucking fish that swain around him (и двух серых рыб-прилипал, которые кружили вокруг нее; swain — деревенский парень; крестьянин, сельский житель; пастух, пастушок; обожатель, поклонник). Sometimes they attached themselves to him (иногда они прилеплялись к ней; to attach — прикреплять). Sometimes they darted off (иногда бросались прочь; to dart off — срываться с места; dart — стрела, легкое копье, дротик). Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow (иногда они свободно плыли в ее тени). They were each over three feet long (каждая была длиною более трех футов) and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels (и когда они плыли быстро, они извивались всем телом, как угри; eel — угорь).

The old man was sweating now (старик сейчас потел) but from something else besides the sun (но не только от солнца: «но от чего-то другого, помимо солнца»). On each calm placid turn the fish made (на каждом круге, который рыба делала спокойно и безмятежно; placid — безмятежный, мирный) he was gaining line (он забирал лесу) and he was sure that in two turns more (и был уверен, что еще через два круга) he would have a chance to get the harpoon in (он сможет всадить в нее гарпун).

But I must get him close (но я должен подпустить ее близко), close, close, he thought. I mustn't try for the head (нельзя пробовать попасть в голову). I must get the heart (я должен попасть в сердце).

"Be calm and strong (будь спокойным и сильным), old man," he said.

On this circle the old man could see the fish's eye and the two gray sucking fish that swain around him. Sometimes they attached themselves to him. Sometimes they darted off. Sometimes they would swim easily in his shadow. They were each over three feet long and when they swam fast they lashed their whole bodies like eels.

The old man was sweating now but from something else besides the sun. On each calm placid turn the fish made he was gaining line and he was sure that in two turns more he would have a chance to get the harpoon in.

But I must get him close, close, close, he thought. I mustn't try for the head. I must get the heart.

Be calm and strong, old "man," he said.

On the next circle the fish's back was out (на следующем круге спина рыбы показалась над водой) but he was a little too far from the boat (но она была немного дальше от лодки /чем хотелось бы/). On the next circle he was still too far away (на следующем круге она все еще была слишком далеко) but he was higher out of water (но она сильнее возвышалась над водой) and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside (и старик был уверен, что, забрав еще немного лесы, он сможет подтянуть ее к борту; alongside — неподалеку, поблизости; вдоль /чего-либо/; у борта).

He had rigged his harpoon long before (он подготовил гарпун задолго до этого; to rig — оснащать; rig — мор. оснастка) and its coil of light rope was in a round basket (и его /гарпуна/ моток тонкой веревки был в круглой корзине) and the end was made fast to the bitt in the bow (и конец был привязан к кнехту на носу лодки).

The fish was coming in on his circle now (рыба приближалась, делая свой круг) calm and beautiful looking (спокойная и прекрасная) and only his great tail moving (и только ее огромный хвост двигался). The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer (старик потянул ее изо всех сил, чтобы подтянуть ее поближе). For just a moment the fish turned a little on his side (на какое-то мгновение рыба слегка завалилась на бок). Then he straightened himself and began another circle (затем выпрямилась и начала очередной круг).

"I moved him (я сдвинул ее)," the old man said. "I moved him then (я все-таки сдвинул ее)."

On the next circle the fish's back was out but he was a little too far from the boat. On the next circle he was still too far away but he was higher out of water and the old man was sure that by gaining some more line he could have him alongside.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 230 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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