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Read the text and do the exercises that follow it. The Kirillovs are going to move to a new flat

The Kirillovs are going to move to a new flat. It is a nine-storeyed block of flats in a new residential area. They are happy because their previous home was a private house without modern conveniences: no central heating, no gas, no running water. It was a long way from the centre of the town and their work.

A new flat is in a good district, not far from the market. Their address is 24 Zavodskaya street. The flat is on the fourth floor. Their 3-room flat is not very large but very comfortable. There is a living-room‚ a study and a bedroom in the flat. The flat also has a kitchen‚ a bathroom‚ a small entrance hall and two balconies. The living-room is the largest in the flat. It overlooks the street and has a lot of sunshine. It is nicely furnished. There is a suite of modern furniture‚ a wardrobe and a bookcase. To the left of the unit there is a corner-sofa with two armchairs and a small table for newspapers. In the opposite corner there is a
TV-set with a video and a tape-recorder and a thick carpet on the floor. Curtains on the window match the walls. All this makes the room cosy.

Oleg spends most of his time in his bedroom which he uses as a study. There is a table with a computer‚ a sofa where he sleeps at night and has a rest in the day-time‚ some book-shelves with a lot of books. There is a thick rag on the floor near the sofa. His dogs like to sleep on it. His parents’ bedroom is more spacious than the study. There is a doublebed‚ a mirror-stand‚ two bedside tables and a built-in wardrobe there. It is very convenient to have it as it doesn’t occupy much space.

The kitchen is rather large. There is a set of modern furniture‚ a gas-stove with an oven‚ a refrigerator and a cupboard with dishes. They use it as a dining-room. But when they receive guests they have meals in the living-room.

In front of the block there is a bus-stop. It’s very convenient. There are many new high blocks in this street and no old houses. Across the road there is a shop, a library, a school and two kindergartens.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 328 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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