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Read the text and do the exercises that follow it. Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

Study the following vocabulary before reading the text:

broad(narrow)-shouldered – широко(узко)плечий

to be of medium height – быть среднего роста

to be like each other – быть похожим друг на друга

to tell one from the other – отличить одного от другого

spirit – настроение

Oleg Kirillov’s family is a big one. They are 6: father, mother, a sister, twin brothers, grandparents and himself.

His father, Grigory Alexeyevich, is a handsome man of medium height and strong built with a bronzed face. His dark-brown hair is just beginning to go grey. He is 47 years old. By character he is a quiet, intelligent and serious man. Oleg’s father works as a system-engineer. He is fond of his profession. When he is at home he is always ready to help his wife. His favourite pastime is wood-carving and photos.

Oleg’s mother, Olga Dmitrievna, is a tall very good-looking woman of 45, but she doesn’t look her age. She is slim and stylish. She has large dark eyes, long thick eyelashes and a charming face. Her blond hair is long, thick and curly. She is energetic, kind and gentle. Oleg’s mother is a doctor. She has a lot of work about the house: cooking, shopping, keeping the rooms tidy, and feeding the pets. So she has little time for her interests: gardening and knitting.

His twin-brothers’ names are Mikhail and Nikolay. They are 24. They are very tall, broad-shouldered fellows. Their faces are always clean-shaven with a bronzed complexion and they resemble their father. They are both impatient and restless but hardworking. They are students of the Belarusian State University. They are future journalists.

The youngest of his family is Anya. She is 15. She is a pretty, round-faced and blue-eyed girl with golden hair which she wears short. Anya is sociable and self-confident, but sometimes absent-minded. She is always in good spirit. She is fond of animals and is going to become a veterinary surgeon. Anya also likes dancing and singing songs.

Oleg has grandparents who live in a village not far from their town. They are pensioners. He also has other relatives: 2 uncles, 3 aunts, 5 cousins, 3 nephews and 1 niece.

They are happy when they are together. It is really very important to have a good family where all people are tactful, helpful, tolerant and respect each other.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 383 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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