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Agree if the statements are true to life or disagree if they are not

Use the following conversational formulas:

Quite so; That goes without saying; On the contrary; I’m afraid you are wrong/mistaken; Nothing of the kind:

1. Your friend’s father is a man of medium height with a round face and big eyes. He has a grey beard.

2. Your aunt is a tall, beautiful woman with blue eyes and golden hair.

3. Your sister is a slender girl of about 20. Her hair is long, her eyes are dark and her cheeks are rosy.

4. Your neighbour is a very old woman, rather short, with a red face and grey eyes.

5. Your friend’s grandfather is a middle-aged man with a sad face and thin grey hair.

6. Tanya’s brother is a tall handsome man with dark hair and a moustache and blue eyes.

7. Maria’s mother is about 48. She’s a stout woman with a long face and small eyes.

8. Your cousin is a boy of about 10. He is rather tall with long arms. He wears grey trousers and a black shirt.

9. Your group-mates’ English teacher is a good-looking woman of about 40 with brown hair and dark-brown eyes. She wears grey or blue dresses. She is kind.

10. Your boy-friend is a fellow of medium height, broad-shouldered and he wears a long beard. He’s got thick red hair and green eyes.

5. Describe your group mates, let the students guess who the person is:

1) tall, broad-shouldered, face, large, blue, eyes, long black hair, handsome, not to look one’s age, suit;

2) slender figure, thick black hair, grey eyes, beautiful, pretty face, to seem quite young;

3) a slender boy, to look like a pretty girl, in the dress of a boy, long eyelashes, small hands, hair, blond, full lips.

6. The plan will help you to describe one of your friends.

1. General appearance (tall, short, of medium height, slender, slim, stout, etc).

2. His (her) age.

3. His (her) occupation.

4. Most noticeable features (hair, eyes, face, etc.).

5. His (her) character.

6. His (her) interests.

7. Act out the following conversational situations:

1. You are telling your friend that your sister is going to marry a certain Mr. Brown. Your friend has never seen him. Try to describe Mr. Brown.

2. Your friend is busy and he can’t meet his mother who is arriving today. He asks you to go to the station to meet his mother and he describes his mother’s appearance.

3. Describe some personage from a novel by one of the Russian or Soviet writers from the books for your home reading.

8. Speak about:

1) your parents (brothers, sisters, other relatives)

2) your friend’s family

Text 3. The Kirillovs’ flat and a place of residence

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 260 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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