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Exercises. 1. Answer the questions on text 2:

1. Answer the questions on text 2:

1. Is Oleg’s family big?

2. Will you describe his father?

3. Will you describe his mother?

4. How old are his twin-brothers?

5. Who is the youngest in his family?

A) Say all you know about the hair, eyes, lips, eyelashes, the nose, the forehead, the figure, the mouth.

Pattern: The hair may be long, short…etc.

full, straight, thick, large, brown, fair, grey, curly, round, blue, slim, slender, thin, golden, black, blond, oval, tall, stout.

b) Make sentences according to the patterns using the words above and the following statements:

Patterns: 1. Ann’s hair is thicker than Jane’s.

2. My friend’s eyes are as pretty as her sister’s ones

sweet, pleasant, ugly, thin, beautiful, small, good-looking, kind, handsome, tall, plump, well-built.

Listen to the following statements and respond them.

Use the following conversational formulas:

That goes without saying; Yes, it’s quite so; Yes, of course; That’s right; I (quite) agree with you; Naturally;

1. Tamara’s sister is a pretty girl.

2. Mary looks like her elder sister Barbara.

3. Betsy wears her hair long.

4. Their grandmother is about 65.

5. Mrs. Brown is 55, rather tall and narrow-shouldered.

6. Margaret’s mother is a good-looking woman.

7. Charlie has long arms and legs.

8. Nan’s smile is pleasant.

9. Nick Brown is a happy child.

10. Ann is a small girl.

11. His mother doesn’t look her age.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 416 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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