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Exercises. 1. Substitutional patterns:

1. Substitutional patterns:

Pattern: – He comes from England.

– Really? He doesn’t look English.

(France-French, Sweden-Swedish, Germany-German, the United States-American, Japan-Japanese, Greece-Greek, Italy-Italian, Denmark-Danish)

2. Fill in the form:

Surname – First name –

Nationality – Date of birth –

Occupation – Place of birth –

Date of arrival in London – Address –

Length of stay –

3. Translate the following into English:

1. Меня зовут Андрей. Мое полное имя Андрей Анатольевич Шевчук. 2. Я русский, но живу в Беларуси. 3. Мне почти 20 лет. 4. Я студент третьего курса государственного университета г. Гомеля. 5. Я собираюсь стать юристом. 6. Мне нравятся занятия в университете, и я стараюсь не пропускать их. 7. Я родился в семье инженеров. Мой отец – инженер-системотехник, а мать – инженер-строитель. 8. После окончания университета они приехали работать в Брянск и живут там уже 16 лет. 9. Я окончил школу № 2 в Брянске и уехал к бабушке в Беларусь. 10. Летом я обычно езжу к родителям. 11. Я не женат пока, но собираюсь жениться через год.

4. Act the following conversational situations:

1. Hello! My name is Mary. I’m 20 years old and I come from a town called Ivanovo. I’m a student and I live at a hostel. I study at the University. My elder brother is also a student of the University and lives at a hostel too. We are going to become engineers.

2. There is very little I can tell you about my friend. You know he is an orphan. His parents died many years ago. He used to live with his grandmother in his childhood. He hasn’t any close relatives except her. He is a good sportsman now and he doesn’t like to speak about himself.

5. Answer the questions on the text:

1. Where and when was Oleg born?

2. How old is he?

3. Is he Russian?

4. Has he got a family of his own?

5. Where does he live?

6. Does he work?

7. What is Oleg?

8. What year student is he?

9. What is his future profession?

10. What was his favourite subject at school?

11. What does he look like?

12. What are the main features of his character?

13. What is Oleg interested in?

6. Speak about:

1) yourself

2) your ideal man (woman)

3) your favourite actor (actress)

4) your group-mate

Text 2. OLEG’S family

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 208 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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