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Imperial Russia

1682-1725 Reign of Peter I, the “Great”

1697–1698 Peter I in Western Europe

1700 Great Northern War begins with Sweden, Peter adopts the Julian calendar

1703 foundation of Saint Petersburg

1709 Battle of Poltava: defeat of Swedes and Ukrainian Hetman Mazepa

1711 establishment of Senate

1717 formation of administrative colleges

1721 foundation of the Holy Synod: disappearance of the patriarchate

1722 creation of Table of Ranks

1725 foundation of Academy of Sciences

1725 death of Peter I. Accession of Catherine I

1727 death of Catherine I. Accession of Peter II

1730 death of Peter II. Accession of Anna. Failed attempt to limit autocracy

1753 abolition of internal customs duties

1754 foundation of Moscow University

1761-1762 Accession of Peter III

1762 ‘emancipation’ of the nobility from compulsory state service

1762-1796 Accession of Catherine II the “Great”

1767 Catherine II’s Nakaz (Instruction) and Legislative Commission

1768 war with Ottoman Empire

1773 beginning of Pugachev revolt

1774 Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardji: victory over Ottomans

1775 reform of provincial administration

1783 annexation of Crimea

1785 charter of the nobility

1790 publication of Radishchev’s Journey from St Petersburg to Moscow

1792 Odessa founded

1795 final partition of Poland

1796 death of Catherine II. Accession of Paul I

1797 new succession law: male primogeniture established

1801-1825 Accession of Alexander I

1802 creation of ministries

1804 university statute

1807 Treaty of Tilsit

1810 creation of State Council

1812 defeat of Napoleon’s invasion

1814 Russian army enters Paris

1815 constitution for Russian Kingdom of Poland issued

1825-1855 Accession of Nicholas I. Decembrist revolt

1826 foundation of Third Section

1833 Code of Laws (Svod zakonov) issued

1855-1881 Accession of Alexander II

1856 Treaty of Paris ends CrimeanWar

1861 emancipation of the serfs

1862 foundation of Saint Petersburg Conservatoire

1863 Education reform restores autonomy to universities

1863 rebellion in Poland

1864 local government (zemstvo) and judicial reforms introduced

1866 State peasants freed; Assassination attempt against Alexander II

1870 Reform of town government

1874 introduction of universal military service

1881-1894 Accession of Alexander III

1881 introduction of law on ‘states of emergency’

1894 death of Alexander III. Accession of Nicholas II

1898 first congress of the Social Democratic party

1902 Lenin publishes Chto delat’? (What Is to Be Done?)

1904 outbreak of war with Japan

1905 October 17 Manifesto promises a constitution

1906 First Duma (parliament) meets and is dissolved

1906 Stolypin heads government: agrarian reforms begin

1907–12 Third Duma in session

1911 assassination of Stolypin

1914 outbreak of FirstWorldWar

1915 Nicholas II assumes supreme command and dismisses ‘liberal’ ministers

1916 first performance of Rachmaninov’s Vespers (vsenochnaia)

1916 Brusilov offensive

1917 overthrow of monarchy in ‘February Revolution’

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