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Kievan Rus’

c. 862 Varangians, warriors and traders from Scandinavia, take power in Novgorod, establishing the Rurikid dynasty

c. 880 Oleg, Rurik’s successor, takes control of Kiev, which becomes capital of loose federation of fortified cities ruled by princes

911 Oleg wins favorable trading treaty with Byzantine Empire allowing Russian merchants to trade in Constantinople

944 Prince Igor secures another trade treaty with Byzantines

c. 978–1015 Rule of Vladimir I Sviatoslavich as prince of Kiev

988 Vladimir converts Rus’ to Orthodox Christianity

1019-1054 reign of Iaroslav Vladimirovich (‘theWise’) becomes sole ruler in Kiev. He issues the RP. Russia’s first Law Code.

1097 Liubech accord on dynastic conventions

1113-1125 Reign of Vladimir Monomakh; who issues his Testament to his successors.

12th century Novgorod is a fl ourishing trading center, with extensive ties to Europe. With its strong veche, it is now a republic The Primary Russian Chronicle and The Tale of the Host of Igor are written

1147 First mention of Moscow in Russian chronicles

1237 Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov becomes prince of Kiev; Tatar invasion begins

1240 Tatars capture Kiev; Aleksandr Nevskii defeats Swedes on River Neva

1242 Aleksandr Nevskii defeats Teutonic Knights at Lake Chud’

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 377 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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