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1249 Andrei Iaroslavich becomes prince of Vladimir
1252 Aleksandr Nevskii becomes prince of Vladimir
1299 Metropolitan Maksim moves from Kiev to Vladimir
1301 Moscow (Muscovy) becomes a separate principality with its own ruling house
1380 Battle of Kulikovo
1389-1425 Reign of Vasilii I;
1425-1462 Vasilii II Vasil’evich becomes grand prince of Vladimir
1462-1505 Reign ofIvan III Vasil’evich
1478 Ivan III annexes Novgorod
1493 Ivan takes the title “Sovereign [ gosudar ] of All Russia”
1497 Law Code (sudebnik) issued
1503 Church Council meets
1505-1533 Reign of Vasilii III Ivanovich
1510 Vasilii III annexes Pskov
1514 Vasilii III annexes Smolensk
1521 Vasilii III annexes Riazan’
1521 Crimean Tatars attack Moscow
1533–1584 Reign of Ivan IV, the “Terrible”
1547 Ivan IV is crowned with the title of ‘tsar’
1549 or 1550 First meeting of the zemsky sobor
1550 New Law Code issued - Sudebnik
1551 Stoglav Church Council meets
1558–83 Livonian war
1565–72 oprichnina
1566 First ‘Assembly of the Land’
1571 Crimean Tatars burn Moscow
1589 Russian patriarchate established
1597 Legislation on peasants and slaves
c. 1603–13 ‘Time of Troubles’
1611 First national militia attempts to liberate Moscow
1612 Second national militia, led by Minin and Pozharskii, succeeds in liberating Moscow
1613 Michael Romanov is elected tsar
1619 Filaret Romanov becomes patriarch
1645 Death of Michael; Alexis becomes tsar
1648 Popular uprising in Moscow
1648 Bohdan Khmel’nyts’kyi leads revolt against Poland in Ukraine
1649 Conciliar Law Code (Ulozhenie) issued
1652 Nikon becomes patriarch
1654 Pereiaslav Treaty
1654–67 Thirteen YearsWar
1676 Death of Alexis; Fedor Alekseevich becomes tsar
1676–81 Russo-Turkish war
Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 388 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!