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Seminar programme

Theme 1. The origins of Kievan Rus’: formation (4 hrs)

1. The formation of Kievan Rus’ (theories).

2. Princess Olga’s reforms.

3. Adoption of Orthodox Christianity by Vladimir the Great.

4. The role of the Veche in managing the state.

5. Central government of Kievan Rus’.

6. System of local administrating of Kievan Rus’.

7. Legal position of free population in IX – XII centuries.

8. Legal status of zakups, holops and izgoys.

9. Sources of law in Kievan Rus’.

10. The characteristic of agreements between Rus and Byzantium.

11. The main features of statutes of Grand Princes Vladymir and Yaroslav.

12. The characteristic of Russian Truth and its editions.

13. Criminal law according to the Russian Truth.

14. Organization of the court system in Kievan Rus’.

15. The main features of procedural law.


1. The Cambridge history of Russia, 3 vols. / edited by Maureen Perrie. – Cambridge, 2006. – Vol. I. – 824 p.

2. Feldbrugge, F. J. M. (Ferdinand Joseph Maria), 1933 – Law in Medieval Russia / By Ferdinand Feldbrugge. – Leiden-Boston, 2009 – 365 p.

3. Kort M. A Brief history of Russia / Michael Kort. – New York, 2008. – 335 p.

4. Encyclopedia of Russian history / James R. Millar, editor in chief. – THOMSON – GALE. – New York, 2004. – 1930 p.

5. Muzychenko P.P. History of state and law of foreign countries. P.2. / P.P. Muzychenko, K.N. Vitman. – Odessa, 2007

6. The Contest for the Legacy of KievanRus’ (Boulder, Colo: East European Monographs, 1998)

Theme 2. Kievan Rus’ in the period of feudal fragmentation (XII – XIV centuries) (2 hrs)

1. The reasons of feudal fragmentation of Kievan Rus’.

2. Emergens of new principalities.

3. Differences between republican and monarchical system of governance.

4. Law according to the Pscov JJudicial Charter:

a) Civil law

b) Criminal law

c) Legal process.

5. The Novgorod Judicial Charter: main characteristic.


1. The Cambridge history of Russia, 3 vols. / edited by Maureen Perrie. – Cambridge, 2006. – Vol. I. – 824 p.

2. Kort M. A Brief history of Russia / Michael Kort. – New York, 2008. – 335 p.

3. Kelly W.K. The history of Russia from the earliest period to the present times, 2 vols. / Walter K. Kelly. – London, 1953. – 532 p.

4. Isaev I.A. History of state and law of Russia, 3rd edition / I.A. Isaev. – M.: Jurist, 2004. – 797 p.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 413 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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