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blizhnye close relatives
bratochado nephew (son of one’s brother)
cheliadin (dependent) member of household, such as child or serf (compare Latin filius)
chern’ the common people (esp. in Novgorod); also chernye liudi (“black people”)
chiliarch “thousandman” (Greek), see tysiatskii
dan’ tribute (lit. “gift”)
Drevneishaia Pravda “Oldest Pravda”, also “Pravda of Iaroslav”, oldest segment of Russkaia Pravda
golovnichestvo “head money”, to be paid by killer and his relatives
gosudar’ Lord, sovereign, majesty
gradskie zakony “city laws”, Russian term referring esp. to Ecloga and Procheiron
grivna basic monetary unit in Kievan Russia; pound
iabetnik court official, bailiff
iarlyk (Turkic) in medieval Russia: charter issued by Mongol-Tatar ruler
iuridicus law-sayer (Latin)
izgoi persons who found themselves outside the ordinary social units of family, clan, druzhina, etc.
izvod version of manuscript, recension; also (in Russkaia Pravda): type of procedure
kholopy slaves
kniaz’ prince (etymologically related to “king”); also translated as “duke”
Knigi Zakonnye “Law Books”, Russian collection, of Byzantine origin, of which the Nomos Georgikos is the main component
koniukh staryi senior stablemaster
kormchaia Russian version of the Nomocanon
kormilets, kormilitsa slaves or unfree persons (male/female), entrusted with care of children
kramola sedition, rebellion, treason
krazha theft
krestnoe tselovanie “kissing the Cross”; standard form of oath in medieval Russia
kuna Old Russian monetary unit
mechnik “sword-bearer”, court official, guard
Merilo Pravednoe “Just Measure”, medieval Russian legal collection
mestnichestvo appointment system in Muscovy Russia
mesto place or rank within family and among families (see mestnichestvo)
mir village community; peace (treaty)
modus vivendi intermediate arrangement between opponents
Naturalwirtschaft (German) economy in which money plays a secondary role
nomocanon (Greek) Byzantine collection of ecclesiastical and secular rules
novellae new laws, in particular as fourth part of the Corpus Iuris Civilis
ognishchanin “hearth-man”, steward or other high official of the prince in Kievan times
Ordá Horde (Turkic), division of Mongol empire
otchina paternal heritage, patrimony (also votchina)
poinè wergeld, blood money (Homeric Greek)
pokon law, statute
pokon virnyi law concerning the vira
poliud’e winter circuit of the prince, in which tribute was collected
posadnik lieutenant (of prince); mayor (in Novgorod)
posadskie liudi half-free townspeople in Muscovy Russia
potklete storehouse (Novgorod Skra)
Pravda Iaroslavichei the Pravda of Iaroslav’s sons
pravovoe gosudarstvo law-governed state (translation of German Rechtsstaat)
Pravosudie metropolich’e Metropolitan’s Justice (medieval Russian legal collection)
prigorod “suburb”, subordinate town
proezzhaia gramota a laissez-passer, a document entitling the bearer to proezd (travelling through)
Razriadnyi Prikaz government department in charge of keeping razriady
razriad(y) mestnichestvo register
rezana monetary unit in Kievan Russia
riad(y) contract, pact
rota oath (in court procedure)
Russkaia Pravda “Russian Law”, basic legislative monument of Kievan Russia
russkie stati “Russian articles”, a series of provisions from the Zakon
Sudnyi Liudem, found in some copies of the Russkaia Pravda
schevenisse kind of fur (Novgorod Skra)
sel’skii starosta agricultural official of the prince, field overseer
smerdy dependent peasants
Sovet Gospod Council of Lords (in Novgorod)
starshinstvo seniority (esp. among Russian princes)
sudebnik law code
svod court procedure (in Russkaia Pravda); collection
tat’ba theft
tiun also tivun, tivunets; princely official, overseer, agent, steward,bailiff
troynisse kind of fur (Novgorod Skra)
tsar’ tsar (from Latin caesar), emperor (the spelling “czar” does not make sense in any language); the tsar’s wife is the tsaritsa (translated into German as Zarin, which was then corrupted in several European languages as “tsarina” or “czarina”)
tysiatskii “thousandman”, military commander (in Novgorod)
udel portion or part (assigned to younger sons of princes)
udel’nye kniazhestva apanage principalities (from udel)
uroki laws, decrees
ustav statute
veche popular (urban) assembly
verkhovnaia sobstvennost’ “supreme ownership”, roughly equivalent to “eminent domain”
verv’ rural territorial unit
vira bloodwite, fine for homicide or bodily harm
virnik collector of the vira
voevoda military commander, general
volost’ governmental power; also “province” (esp. in Novgorod)
votchina see otchina
wergeld compensation to be paid by the killer to the killed person’s relatives
zakon russkii “Russian Law”, the customary law of pre-Christian Russia
Zemskii Sobor Land Council
zhit’i liudi prominent burghers (esp. in Novgorod), also zhitye liudi, as opposed to lower class burghers (chernye liudi)
Äàòà ïóáëèêîâàíèÿ: 2014-12-28; Ïðî÷èòàíî: 404 | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêîãî ïðàâà ñòðàíèöû | Ìû ïîìîæåì â íàïèñàíèè âàøåé ðàáîòû!