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Very well. All in good time Hugo strolled off to a neighboring village with his

Prey; and the two drifted slowly up and down one street after another, the one

Watching sharply for a sure chance to achieve his evil purpose, and the other

Watching as sharply for a chance to dart away and get free of his infamous

Captivity forever.

Both threw away some tolerably fair-looking opportunities; for both, in their

Secret hearts, were resolved to make absolutely sure work this time, and

Neither meant to allow his fevered desires to seduce him into any venture that

Had much uncertainty about it.

Hugo's chance came first. For at last a woman approached who carried a fat

package of some sort in a basket. Hugo's eyes sparkled with sinful pleasure as

he said to himself, 'Breath o' my life, an I can but put that upon him, 'tis good-

den and God keep thee, King of the Game-Cocks!' He waited and watched —

Outwardly patient, but inwardly consuming with excitement — till the woman

had passed by, and the time was ripe; then said, in a low voice; 'Tarry here till

I come again,' and darted stealthily after the prey.

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The king's heart was filled with joy — he could make his escape now, if

Hugo's quest only carried him far enough away.

But he was to have no such luck. Hugo crept behind the woman, snatched the

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 188 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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