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Awakening — so the mortifications of each succeeding morning of the few that

Passed between his return to bondage and the combat with Hugo, grew

Bitterer, and harder and harder to bear.

The morning after that combat, Hugo got up with a heart filled with vengeful

Purposes against the king. He had two plans in particular. One was to inflict

upon the lad what would be, to his proud spirit and 'imagined' royalty, a

Peculiar humiliation; and if he failed to accomplish this, his other plan was to

Put a crime of some kind upon the king and then betray him into the

Implacable clutches of the law.

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In pursuance of the first plan, he proposed to put a 'clime' upon the king's leg,

Rightly judging that that would mortify him to the last and perfect degree;

and as soon as the clime should operate, he meant to get Canty's help, and

force the king to expose his leg in the highway and beg for alms. 'Clime' was

The cant term for a sore, artificially created. To make a clime, the operator

Made a paste or poultice of unslaked lime, soap, and the rust of old iron, and

Spread it upon a piece of leather, which was then bound tightly upon the leg.

This would presently fret off the skin, and make the flesh raw and angry-

Looking; blood was then rubbed upon the limb, which, being fully dried, took

On a dark and repulsive color. Then a bandage of soiled rags was put on in a

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 189 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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