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The freckled light of a tin lantern near at hand. He stepped back into the

Shadows and waited. The lantern stood by the open door of a barn. The king

Waited some time — there was no sound, and nobody stirring. He got so cold,

Standing still, and the hospitable barn looked so enticing, that at last he

Resolved to risk everything and enter. He started swiftly and stealthily, and

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Just as he was crossing the threshold he heard voices behind him. He darted

Behind a cask, within the barn, and stooped down. Two farm laborers came

In, bringing the lantern with them, and fell to work, talking meanwhile.

Whilst they moved about with the light, the king made good use of his eyes

And took the bearings of what seemed to be a good-sized stall at the further

End of the place, purposing to grope his way to it when he should be left to

Himself. He also noted the position of a pile of horse-blankets, midway of the

Route, with the intent to levy upon them for the service of the crown of

England for one night.

By and by the men finished and went away, fastening the door behind them

And taking the lantern with them. The shivering king made for the blankets,

With as good speed as the darkness would allow; gathered them up and then

Groped his way safely to the stall. Of two of the blankets he made a bed, then

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 178 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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