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About noon, after a long and weary tramp, the gang came to a halt behind a

Hedge on the outskirts of a considerable village. An hour was allowed for rest,

Then the crew scattered themselves abroad to enter the village at different

points to ply their various trades. 'Jack' was sent with Hugo. They wandered

Hither and thither for some time, Hugo watching for opportunities to do a

stroke of business but finding none — so he finally said:

'I see naught to steal; it is a paltry place. Wherefore we will beg.'

' We, forsooth! Follow thy trade — it befits thee. But I will not beg.'

'Thou'lt not beg!' exclaimed Hugo, eying the king with surprise. 'Prithee,

since when hast thou reformed?'

'What dost thou mean?'

'Mean? Hast thou not begged the streets of London all thy life?'

'I? Thou idiot!'

'Spare thy compliments — thy stock will last longer. Thy father says thou hast

Begged all thy days. Mayhap he lied. Peradventure you will even make so bold

as to say he lied,' scoffed Hugo.

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'Him you call my father? Yes, he lied.'

'Come, play not thy merry game of madman so far, mate; use it for thy

amusement, not thy hurt. An I tell him this, he will scorch thee finely for it.'

'Save thyself the trouble. I will tell him.'

'I like thy spirit, I do in truth; but I do not admire thy judgment. Bone-

rackings and bastings be plenty enow in this life, without going out of one's

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 234 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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