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Truth I know. But — but — it grieveth me to think of him that is to die, and —


'Ah, 'tis like thee, 'tis like thee! I know thy heart is still the same, even though

Thy mind hath suffered hurt, for thou wert ever of a gentle spirit. But this

duke standeth between thee and thine honors: I will have another in his stead

that shall bring no taint to his great office. Comfort thee, my prince: trouble

not thy poor head with this matter.'

'But is it not I that speed him hence, my liege? How long might he not live, but

for me?'

'Take no thought of him, my prince: he is not worthy. Kiss me once again, and

Go to thy trifles and amusements; for my malady distresseth me. I am aweary,

And would rest. Go with thine uncle Hertford and thy people, and come again

when my body is refreshed.'

Tom, heavy-hearted, was conducted from the presence, for this last sentence

Was a death-blow to the hope he had cherished that now he would be set free.

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Once more he heard the buzz of low voices exclaiming, 'The prince, the prince


His spirits sank lower and lower as he moved between the glittering files of

Bowing courtiers; for he recognized that he was indeed a captive now, and

Might remain forever shut up in this gilded cage, a forlorn and friendless

Prince, except God in his mercy take pity on him and set him free.

Дата публикования: 2014-12-28; Прочитано: 193 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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