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Test II

1. Divide into groups and transcribe these words:

Worry, student, apricot, oppose, novel, after, magic, limit, visit, excuse, sentence, bypass, money, cinema, never, crying, stupid, numeral, uncle, Monday, war, river, panic, staff, hunting, transport.

primary alphabetical meaning primary short meaning secondary meaning

2. Find the odd word:

- palace, better, visit, apricot, palace

- stupid, trying, Friday, April, silly

- student, numeral, never, crying, being

- doing, hunting, uncle, cinema, magic

- panic, limit, novel, letter, fiddle.

3. Find disyllabic and polysyllabic words in which the vowel letter has its alphabetical meaning:

Our jobs, our possessions and even the areas in which we live become a matter of competition. We make out that our jobs and possessions are somehow better or more desirable than other people’s and we claim that our country, town or village is the best, the biggest or the most friendly or the most civilized in the world. Are we interested in proving our superiority, or is it that we take a sadistic delight in proving that some poor fellow being is inferior to us?

4. Transcribe these words:

Archery, point, cricket, victory, golf, runner-up, water polo, racket, rugby, ring, swimming, championship, spectator, figure-skating, fencing.

5. Transcribe and explain the rules of reading in the next words:

No Enemies.

by R. Mackey

You have n o enemies, you say

Alas, m y friend, the boast is poor.

He wh o has mingled in the fray of duty

That the brave end u re

M u st have made foes.

If you have n o ne –

Small is the work that you have d o ne.

You’ve h i t no traitor on the hip,

You’ve dashed no cup from perjured l i ps

You’ve n e ver turned the wrong to right,

You’ve been a c o ward in the fight.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 374 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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