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Syllable division rules for simple words and parts of compound words

vowel intersyllabic sounds boundary examples notes
I. Short stressed a) single consonant within the consonant le ən rı m    
b) consonant cluster between the consonants ek1|s2|t3|rə wın|dəυ rıŋ|kl In case of intervocalic clusters we use the distributional criterion: the combination of consonants belongs to the following syllable, if such combinations are typical of English.  
II. Short unstressed, long, diphthong a) single consonant before the consonant melə|dı k :|nə leı|bl    
b) consonant cluster maximally close to the vowel ə| dres ık| spektıd fα:|stə peı|trən    

! The so-called thriphthongs in English are disyllabic combinations, because they contain two vowel phonemes: faı|ə.

Ex. 1 (from Test your pronunciation Unit 7, disc)

How many syllables?

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