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One word in each set has a different number of syllables from the others. Decide which it is, then check with the recording

Example: lengths if table on
  destiny chocolate computer afterwards
  stopped smashed wanted tried
  Leicester Lester Stratford Manchester
  altogether avocado banana Argentina
  rhythm chasm through  

Ex.2 (from Test your pronunciation Unit 7, disc)

What stress pattern?

One word in each set has a different stress pattern from the others. Which is it? Check with the recording.

Example: picture ○ Nature ○ Capture ○ Mature ○
  politics dynamic musician historic
  create supply prostate dictate
  teacher refer eager offer
  edit debit submit credit
  Angela Therese Spaghetti banana

Ex.3 Divide into syllables and determine where the syllable boundary lies.

1. goodness 5. about 9. Saturday
2. hotter 6. lazy 10. export
3. village 7. family 11. hourly
4. cotton 8. admission 12. mathematics

Ex.4 Transcribe the following words, divide them into syllables and explain the rule.

1. ninety 6. sentence
2. middle 7. vowel
3. imitate 8. cinema
4. teacher 9. expensive
5. advertise 10. commission

Основное и второстепенное значение букв

Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 686 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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