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The primary and the secondary meaning of letters

In English one letter can denote a few different sounds (polysemantic letters). That’s why there are the primary and the secondary sound meanings of them. The primary meaning of a letter is the sound which this letter:

1) denotes in the alphabet: a – [ei], e – [ɪ:]. E.g. bake, be;

2) doesn’t correspond to the alphabetical letter: a – [æ]. e.g. cat;

3) approximates the alphabetical letter: f – [f], y – [ai].

The secondarɔy meaning of a letter is the one which differs from its primary alphabetical meaning and depends on the consonants preceding or following this letter. E.g. a – [a:] - staff, [ɒ] – wander, [o:] – war.

The sound formation of the English language distinguishes long and short vowels. According to this peculiarity in English each stressed vowel can have two meanings: alphabetical (long) and short.

The primary sound meanings of the vowel letters are represented by diphthongs and monophthongs. Diphthongs and long monophthongs can be found in the stressed open and closed syllables of monosyllabic and polysyllabic words. E.g. my, me, go.

In closed syllables the vowel letter should be followed by a consonant + mute “ e ”. e.g. mat, pat, typical.

Each language has its own primary and secondary meanings of the letters. They are important for learning the rules of reading of the English language.

The rules of reading which express the primary meanings of letters spread onto majority of the words of the language. The secondary meanings spread onto a small number of words.

But if the word ends in – y, -ie as in the words lady, Edie the letters “ a”, “e” have their alphabetical (long) meaning.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-29; Прочитано: 557 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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