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Ex. 4 Each word on the left rhymes with one word on the right. Match the words that rhyme and try to write a short poem using some of the rhyming words

Brain, teeth, lost, foot, boast, suit, weight, slight, death, says, dull, phrase, war, full, chef, leaf, glued Deaf, great, beef, breathe, skull, Les, reign, days, tossed, post, height, wreath, food, shoot, put, law, wool

Ex. 5 Practice reading vowels in their short meanings:

Letter” A”

a) Read as quickly as possible:

A cat, a black cat, a black cat sat, a black cat sat on a mat, a black cat sat on a mat and ate. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

b) Read the sentence:

There was a red van traveling West, and several cars and vans behind it. The van driver suddenly turned and crashed into the taxi. The taxi driver wasn’t badly hurt, but he was very angry.

c) Proverbs and idioms:

Flat as a pancake.

A hungry man is an angry man.

d) Rhymes and tongue-twisters:

Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat

Can you catch that bad fat rat?

If you catch that bad fat rat,

You will have some milk for that.

Letter “E”

a) Hens, red hens, best red hens, ten best red hens, Ted sells ten best red hens. Every day Ted sells ten best red hens.

b) Only ten per cent of Kensington Express readers take regular exercise. Ten per cent felt that they were healthy or very healthy.

c) All’s well that ends well.

Better late than never.

d) Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

Fred fed Ted bread and Ted led Fred bread.

Can you retell ten texts in twelve seconds?

letter “O”

a) Bob’s dog got a hot pot of porridge and some chops.

b) I’ve got a job in a sports shop at the moment.

c) Honesty is the best policy.

A proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot.

Ex. 6 Practice reading vowels in their long meanings:

Letter “E”

a) A man of words and not of deeds

Is like a garden full of weeds.

b) He speaks Chinese and Japanese with equal ease.

c) Easy come easy go.

Letters “I, Y”

a) As fit as a fiddle.

Which witch wished which wicked wish?

b) Needles and pins, needles and pins,

When a man marries, his trouble begins.

Letter “U”

a) A duck, an ugly duck, an ugly duck was in a cup, an ugly duck was in a funny cup, an ugly duck was in a funny cup on Sunday. An ugly duck was in a funny cup on a sunny Sunday.

b) Lucky in cards unlucky in love.

c) Mummies munch much mush.

Double bubble gum bubbles double bubbles.

Letter “A”

a) This amasing lake in Wales is a famous place for great races.

b) I can explain. The Daily Mail came late.

c) Make hay while the sun shines.

A stitch in time saves nine.

d) Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day.

Billy, Billy, come and play

While the sun shines bright today.

Letters “I, Y”

a) Mike likes spicy pies with fried pike.

b) Hi, Mike! I’m busy typing. I have ninety-nine pages to type by Friday.

c) Out of sight out of mind.

Variety is a spice of life.

d) Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy, why, Willy?

Why, Willy, why?

Letter “O”

a) The road below goes from Rome to the south coast. We are very close to our home.

b) Chip-chop, chip-chop,

Chipper-chopper Joe,

One big blow.

Oh! My toe!

Ex. 7 Put the words given below into a suitable column according to the rules of reading:

twilight, crying, Friday, magic, transport, limit, fiddle, panic, student, trying, bypass, never, uncle, letter, river, alphabet, timid, numeral, being, stupid, apricot, atomic, cinema, majority, better, hunting, visit, novel, palace, luggage, sentence, alcoh o lic, beg i nner, Br i tish, c u cumber, f a mine, for e ver, L a brador, l a ser, m i crophone, n o ble, n o vel, p o et, pr i nter, p u ritan, p u zzle, r e gular, R o man, s e cret, stup i dity, syll a bic, t y pical.

Test I

1. Read the words and explain the reading of stressed vowels:

Language, hunting, Friday, plate, sentence, primary, stupid, teeth.

2. Transcribe the words:

Fibre, April, going, render, family, avid, cavity, facet, lady, fever, over, funeral.

3. Find the odd word:

a) little, silly, fiddle, middle, quite

b) tragic, pathetic, paste, falls

c) ruling, tulip, truthful, trustee, numeral

4. Train the reading of the sounds [ æ ],[I],[i:]:

a) Can you imagine an imaginary menagery manager, imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?

b) I slit the sheet, the sheet I slit, and on the slitted sheet I sit.

5. Read the poem, find the word with stressed vowels in their short meaning and write them down:

The Rainy Day.

by H. W. Longfellow

The day is cold, and dark, and dreary:

It rains, and the wind is never weary;

The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,

But at every gust the dead leaves fall,

And the day is dark and dreary.

6. Read the proverbs, explain the reading of the underlined words:

1) Ask no questions and you’ll be told no lies.

2) There’s no smoke without fire.

3) Nothing ventured, nothing have.

4) Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m sixty -four?

7. Divide the words into syllables:

|Apricot, |spindle, ׀tribu׀lation, ׀intro׀duction, con׀glomerate, ׀raga׀muffin.

8. Divide the words into two columns:

1) words with stressed vowels in their alphabetical meanings;

2) words with vowels in their short meanings.

Television, nice, fever, bypass, under, hunting, boxing, refuse, twilight, letter, bicycle.

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