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Ex. 41. If you think a statement is false, change it to make it true

1. Computers can solve now many accurate problems in science, engineering and business.

2. In the past, the word 'computer' referred to a person who did research.

3. Computers can make yesterday's weather forecast.

4. Electronic devices are sometimes used in scientific research and industrial design.

5. By means of the Internet, you can send written messages to your friend, who lives on the other continent.

6. Computers help people to invent new phenomena of nature.

7. Computers save a lot of time and money.

8. One computing machine can replace two mathematicians and does the calculation without any mistakes.

Ex. 42. Restore the interview given by the English sociologist to the correspondent of the journal 'Computer Press'.


Sociologist: Computers are very popular in England today. 90 % of young people at the age of 12-19 are computer-literate.


Sociologist: 43% of them have computers at home and about 25 % use home computers every day.


Sociologist: 93 % of pupils operate computers at school.


Sociologist: 75 % of young Englishmen think that computers make their life easier and more interesting and the knowledge of a computer helps to find a good job.

Journalist: Are there any social problems of computer technology in England?


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 299 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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