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Ex. 13. TEST. Choose the required word to complete each sentence

1. Press this button to switch on the___.

A. keyboard C. floppy disk

B. system unit D. control unit

2. A ___ is an obligatory part of any personal computer.

A. speaker C. printer

B. programmer D. keyboard

3. ___ is the computer's physical electronic and mechanical parts.

A. control unit C. computer tower

B. central processor D. hardware

4. A computer ___ is made up of a large number of dots [точка] called pixels.

A. screen C. peripheral

B. user D. software

5. The password gives access to all files on the ___ drive.

A. floppy C. disk

B. compact D. hard

6. A mouse is a mechanical or optical ___ unit.

A. output C. control

B. storage D. input

7. The ideal position for the ___ is on the same plane [плоскость] as the keyboard and as close to the keyboard as possible.

A. monitor C. disk drive

B. central processing unit D. mouse

8. This computer game is available over the Internet as free ___.

A. programmer C. peripheral unit

B. hardware D. software

9. The future of high-quality printing in businesses belongs to ___.

A. ink-jet printers C. laser printers

B. computer typists D. typewriters

10. Some computer viruses delete all the files on the ___ on a particular date.

A. hard disk C. video display unit

B. flash memory D. peripherals

11. The ___ has a communication with all the computer units.

A. CPU C. DVD player

B. VDU D. CD-ROM drive

12. Peripherals include ___.

A. central processor C. input and output units

B. main memory D. scroll wheel

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 405 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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