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Exercise 1. In the following sentences find out words with a hyphen and translate them into Ukrainian

1. I do mostly secretarial type work. 2. Chop potatoes into bite sized pieces. 3. The bicycle is an environment friendly form of transport. 4. Just mentioning his ex wife's name was like a red rag to a bull. 5. She is an elderly, pale faced woman. 6. My parents have a five bedroom house. 7. His ex wife had kept him from seeing his children. 8. The temperature of the lake is always below fifty five degrees. 9. The flowers' white petals contrast handsomely with their lemon yellow cups. 10. The first indications were that the life saving operation had gone well. 11. She was once married to a well known football star. 12. This plant likes sun and water as well as a fertile, well draining soil. 13. He was clean shaven and wore glasses. 14. The two leaders chattered together for fifty four minutes. 15. Becoming self employed meant giving up a secure salary, together with sick leave and long vacation time. 16. They retailed around £38 £45, depending on the model. 17. I can’t get these marks out of my T shirt. 18. A full body massage lasts around one hour. 19. Use a matter of fact tone when disciplining your children. 20. The theatre going public are very demanding. 21. It is made in Northumberland with English grown lavender. 22. New born birds stay in their nest while their mother goes out in search of food. 23. He works part time. 24. Over half of the children live in one parent families. 25. She moved to London after the break up of her marriage. 26. In May, the price of cocoa fell to its lowest level since 1975 76. 27. I work a ten hour day. 28. She wears really old fashioned clothes! 29. We ensure that you have a trouble free and enjoyable holiday. 30. I've got two grown up sons. 31. I don't usually wear much make up. 32. All the hotel's bedrooms have a mini bar, telephone and radio. 33. The first petrol driven car was produced as far back as 1883. 34. The X ray showed that her leg was not broken. 35. No other company had the technical know how to deal with the disaster.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 364 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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