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Exercise 2. Insert brackets and parentheses where appropriate

1. He is the author of 14 novels and nine non-fiction books which might explain why he needed to slow down a little. 2. The problem is, we still want to go shopping, whether for summer basics suntan lotion and swimsuits or frivolous luxuries posh dresses and holidays. But technology should be your friend – it can simplify your life in many ways if you engage with it see page 70. 3. Pay attention to those times when your energy is at its peak for most people it is late morning and those times you are flagging often late afternoon. 4. Although there are 64 rules ‘don’t eat any products containing more than five ingredients’, ‘don’t eat anything your Grandma wouldn’t recognize’, and so on, the basic premise is simple: eat real food, not processes junk. 5. My daughter aged eight and I are going on holiday this year. 6. Participle 2 Past Participle is used to form Present Perfect. 7. The word ‘director’ is sometimes pronounced as daı΄rektə. 8. Many students do not prepare for the TOEFL Test of English as a foreign language before they take the exam. 9. For example, when water evaporates from a glass and disappears, it has changed from a liquid to a gas called water vapor, but in both forms it is water. This is a phase change liquid to gas, which is a physical change. 10. Thank you for your letter of 3 February in which you said that you had received a wrong delivery to your order No.1695. 11. If telegraphed, the transfer is known as a telegraphic transfer TT, and if mailed, a mail transfer MT. 12. I work with a friend Andy Garcia. 13. The Discourse of Egalitarianism in the ads is identifiable in terms of three types of representation: 1 the representation of parenthood as symmetrical for women and men; 2 the depiction of men in the domestic sphere as devoted, nurturing fathers; and 3 the portrayal of women as mothers as well as successful careerists outside the home.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 337 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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