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Exercise 1. Comment on the use of brackets and parentheses

1. The witness said: ‘He [the policeman] hit me.’2. The two teams in the finals of the first FIFA Football World Cup were both from South America [Uruguay and Argentina]. 3. Mount Everest (in the Himalayas) is the highest mountain in the world. 4. There are several books on the subject (see page 120). 5. Margaret Thatcher (the former British prime minister) resigned from office in 1990. 6. Many people like travelling (I don't). 7. When the anger recedes it has often paved the way for other painful emotions, which tend to linger (anxiety, sadness and guilt). 8. Use percent only with a number (30 percent, 9 percent etc.). 9. But bulling (which is what it sounds like) is unacceptable anywhere. 10. Indicate to which extent each statement applies to you (where 0 = never, 1 = occasionally, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often, and 4 = always). 11. Others tend to put their children down (”your sister was a much better swimmer at your age”), without realizing they are trapping them in self-fulfilling negative beliefs. 12. The flower's common name (name that is used by ordinary people, not its scientific name) is forget-me-not. 13. You need to explore your conflicted feelings (therapy might help you find the space to do this) and make a decision based on what you discover are your priorities in life. 14. ‘Holidays should be guilt-free time out from the worries that plague us at home,’ says psychologist and stress expert Felix Economakis (healththerapy.co.uk). 15. Bruno took charge and was (and still is) the most devoted and outstanding father. 16. For me, food used to be split into two categories. It was either bad (chocolate, coleslaw, pizza) or good (vegetables, low-fat mayo, soup). 17. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is a type of discourse analytical research that primarily studies the way social power abuse, dominance, and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context. 18. The building society agreed to lend us sixty thousand pounds (£60,000). 19. Past Simple (Past Indefinite) is used to denote a single action in the past. 20. The holiday costs £7,976 for a family of four (children under 12 from £1,534, adults from £2,454 each) full board, including all flights, transfers and activities (01980 849160, aardvarksafaris.co.uk). 21. Three broad types of representation are found in the ads, which I will examine in turn: (1) the harmonious co-existence of a man’s career with family life; (2) absenteeism of fathers on account of their careers as excusable; and (3) a family as beneficial to men’s own self-interests.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 368 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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