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The full stop

1. The full stop (the period) is used to mark the end of a sentence expressing a statement. She was treated by her local doctor.
2. We usually write abbreviations without full stops in British English. Full stops (US ‘periods’) are normal in American English. BC (British English) 796 B.C. (American English) etc. (et cetera), also etc (British English) Mr (British English) Mr. (American English)
3. The full stop is used with an individual’s initials. K.M. Baily
4. The full stop is used after numerals and letters in vertical enumerations. Documents to be submitted are: 1. Transcript 2. Personal record 3. Medical certificate University departments: A.Philology 1. English 2. French B. Mathimatics 1. Fundamental 2. Applied
5. The full stop is used to separate pounds from cents, hours from minutes, etc. £9.19 15.35

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 270 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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