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Exercise 2. In the following sentences insert dashes where appropriate and comment on your choice

1. Three dogs an Irish setter, a Russian wolfhound, and a German shepherd were the scourge of the neighborhood. 2. ‘Can I do anything for you?’ ‘No no, thanks.’ 3. It's nothing serious just a small cut. 4. I'm just finishing my homework it won't take long. 5. Here's your steak enjoy! 6. Mike’s got married to Jennifer, believe it or not! 7. Change your dress that one looks dirty. 8. I can't run around like I used to I must be getting old. 9. Today's date is let me see, March 20th. 10. Wait a minute I’m thinking. 11. It's a good idea I’ll keep it in mind. 12. Nice house, good job, lovely family you’ve got it made! 13. Jazz just isn't my cup of tea I prefer classical music. 14. Don't just stand there do something! 15. We don't have to rush there’s plenty of time. 16. It was a trying situation for us very trying. 17. Don't worry she’ll come round eventually. 18. Her perfume is so strong it makes me gag. 19. My overall health was poor fatigue, allergies, poor digestion. 20. Don’t miss it subscribe today! 21. I made everything perfectly clear or at least I thought I did. 22. There are an estimated 1,354,000 people one in 44 in the UK with disfigurements from various causes. 23. Consider what you want to achieve and the steps to reach this goal. 24. Congratulations on your promotion we must go out and celebrate! 25. He said, ‘Will you marry me?’ The entire room we were at a party applauded. 26. You don’t have to pay for your flights they’re included in the price of your holiday. 27. I'm playing golf this afternoon weather permitting. 28. 'Is something the matter?' 'Just a headache I’ll be fine in a minute.' 29. It's a good sign let’s hope it will bring us some luck. 30. The natural phenomena hurricane and earthquake perplex scientists and terrify people.


Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 331 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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