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The semicolon

‘We saved your life. However, your colon is now a semicolon’

1. A semicolon is sometimes used instead of full stops between independent clauses when the meaning is closely connected. Semicolons are considered a mark of formal style. We planted a peach tree in the backyard; Amelia went to fetch the water. We planted a peach tree in the backyard. Amelia went to fetch the water.
2. A semicolon is used before a conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, thus, furthermore, consequently, nevertheless, etc.)that connects two independent clauses. When conjunctive adverbs are used to join clauses, they are followed by a comma. Speeding is illegal; furthermore, it is very dangerous. The closing date for applications had already passed; nevertheless, we decided to send the papers and hope for the best.
3. A semicolon is used to sort out a complicated list. This often occurs when listing locations, names, dates, descriptions. I enjoy several types of films: westerns, primarily because I love simple stories that always end happily; romances, which take me out of the real world for ninety minutes; and detective mysteries, because I never can guess who the guilty person is.
4. A semicolon occurs before expressions that introduce expansions or series (such as for example, for instance, that is, e.g., i.e.). As a manager, she tried to do the best job she could; that is, to keep her project on schedule and under budget.
5. A semicolon is placed outside quotation marks and parenthesis. They again demanded “complete autonomy”; the demand was again rejected.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-18; Прочитано: 306 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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