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How to become a perfect role model for your child

Read the text. Choose the correct alternative.

While television and other media have made it a practice to impose well-known celebrities as positive 1. a) role models; b) fellows c) sponsors for kids, the great majority of people still believe that parents should be the foremost role models of their children.

Role models can be subjects of 2. a) hatred and fury; b) admiration and emulation; c) controversy and argument. Through their personal qualities and achievements, they can 3. a) frighten; b) obstruct; c) inspire others to strive and develop without direct instruction. Due to their regular presence and interaction with their 4. a) colleagues; b) friends; c) children, parents can serve as consistent and evolving role models for their children.

As children develop, they need 5. a); restriction; b) guidance; c) allowance on an increasingly complex array of issues. Parents can share more of the choices and decision-making inherent in their own lives to offer as examples. By displaying moral and ethical behavior, parents can also impart 6. a) values; b) responsibilities; c) property which can counter the negative influences children may receive from their peers or media. The responsibility of being a role model can also encourage parents to better themselves. For instance, parents who try to resolve their job dissatisfaction may find they serve as a constructive example of change.

The following is a compilation of various ways that can help parents become better 7. a); workers b); consultants; c) role models for their kids.

In terms of nurturing children, the most common comment is to show your love and concern. Tell them you love them every day and show affection daily through 8. a) material incentives; b) hugs, kisses and touches; c) punishment and assignments. In spite of busy schedules, make time for special family fun activities. Also make the effort to meet your child's friends to build stronger rapport with them and to gauge the influence they exert on your kids.

Understanding is another key in becoming an effective role model for your child.

As the saying goes, "Understand - don't take a stand." Communication is vital and should always be a two-way 9. a) ticket; b) mirror; c) street. Listen to your kids and find out what's going on in their lives and if anything is bothering them. Let them know that they can talk to you about anything under the sun. It is important to remember that children who have good communication with their parents are more likely to ask for their advice than turn to their peers.

Parents constantly demand respect from their children, but remember that is it is not something that can be taken for granted. Like most things of real value, respect has to be earned. And oftentimes, the best way to earn respect is to give respect. This also means that you have to learn to empathize, to put yourself in your kid's 10. a) shoes; b) trousers; c) room and understand what it means to be him. And always try to avoid putting your children in situations where they feel disregarded, disrespected, humiliated or embarrassed. Such situations can sometimes leave deep emotional scars.

Role models are human; they make 11. a) money; b) mistakes; c) too much noise. Parents who admit to their mistakes, learn from them, and strive to better themselves can serve as powerful influences for children's emotional growth. Parents should also display non-aggressive responses to stress and anger management. The Nemours Foundation warns that children who display aggressive behavior often learn to do so from a role model 12. a) at the airport; b) at club; c) at home.

Remember that you have to teach your children to respect themselves as well. Teach them to stand up for themselves without putting their safety at risk. Discuss ways to solve problems without fighting. Make them aware that fighting never 13. a) starts; b) solves; c) complicates a problem. Most importantly, advise them that physical force or intimidation does not win respect; rather, it is the quality of one's character that wins respect.

(Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kadence_Buchanan)

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