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Task 2

A) Look at the following table. Tick the frequency of your spare time activities you are engaged in together with your family members.

B) Work with a partner. Ask him / her questions about the way his / her family spend their free time. You are going to find out what you have got in common and what differences there are between your family traditions.

e.g. How often do you watch TV together? – Oh, very seldom, we are all quite busy.

Leisure time activity Frequently Occasionally Seldom Never
Watching television        
Competing in team sports (soccer, basketball)        
Going out for the evening        
Going to the movies / theatre        
Visiting art galleries and museums        
Listening to music        
Going to the beach / park        
Attending sports events        
Camping and hiking        
Visiting places of interest / sightseeing        
Having Sunday dinner        
Doing shopping        
Going to the church        
Playing board games (cards / chess / checkers)        
Friday movie night and pizza        

Task 3. Look at the following list. Write an appropriate activity or occasion for each of these items you may use spending your free time with your family members. Compare your ideas with a partner.

e.g. an outdoor BBQ brazier – you may need this if you want to have a picnic together

goggles - a camera -
an apron - candles -
trainers - table cloth -
high-heeled shoes and fancy dress - a veil -
crystal glasses and china - flowers -
sandals and a hat - balloons -
a cookery book - a tent -
a hammock - a suitcase -
a map and a guidebook - board games (cards / chess etc) -

Task 4. It is generally accepted that families are not so close as they used to be. Complete the following table, writing down some reasons why this change has happened and suggest how families could be brought closer together. Include any relevant examples from your experience.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 559 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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