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Reading. A) Read the following text about the way to celebrate Christmas

Task 4.

A) Read the following text about the way to celebrate Christmas.

B) Complete each column in the following table with the words and useful expressions from the text.

C) Write down 5 questions to the text. Ask your partner.

Decorations Meals Only Christmas attributes

Christmas is one of the favourite family holidays to spend together. All families have some unique traditions to follow, but here is the description of generally accepted rituals. First of all people send in advance Christmas cards to family and friends wishing them a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Nothing can bring so much joy as setting up a live or artificial Christmas tree in your home decorated with ornaments and lights. Many families prefer to hang mistletoe in a doorway. It is traditional for people to kiss when they stand underneath this small, scented sprig.

Children always ask their parents to place lights and other decorations on the outside of their house and on their outdoor shrubs and trees.

Buying gifts for family and friends and piling them under the tree is an essential part of Christmas celebration. It is important not to forget to hang stockings from mantel so Santa can leave little items inside when he visits, especially if you have small kids in your family.

Usually parents ask their children to write down a wish list of the toys they would like to receive. They may tell they need to share this list with Santa Claus so he can fill their requests. Children all over the world expect him to arrive on Christmas Eve in a sled drawn by reindeer, carrying a red sack filled with gifts.

To get in the holiday spirit; it is recommended to play Christmas music in a house. Some popular choices include “Jingle Bells”, "Silent Night" and "Let it snow."

Mothers are always busy preparing a huge Christmas feast with foods such as turkey, ham, stuffing and vegetables; they serve mince pie for dessert. They also include other favorite recipes from childhood holiday meals. Many families attend church on Christmas Eve.

(based on http://www.ehow.com/how_11617_celebrate-christmas.html)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 613 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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