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Holidays Quiz

Part 1. W hich day do you associate the following items with? Match the celebration attributes from column A with the corresponding Holiday from column B.

1. hot cross buns a. Halloween
2. chocolate eggs b. Good Friday
3. lanterns made out of pumpkins c. Christmas
4. pancakes d. Guy Fawkes Night
5. a decorated tree e. Easter
6. fireworks f. Shrove Tuesday

Part 2. Match the specific characteristics of a holiday from column A with the name of the day in column B.

1. The period just before Easter a. New Year’s Eve
2. The day when Americans celebrate the creation of the USA b. Bank Holiday
3. The famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro c. New Year’s Day
4. The last day of the year d. Lent
5. The first day of the year e. Mardi Gras
6. The day when people who work have a holiday f. Independence day

Part 3. When do people celebrate the following holidays all over the world? Match the date in column A with the holiday in column B.

1. March,17th a. Boxing day
2. April, 1st b. St. Patrick’s Day
3. October, 31st c. Women’s Day
4. November, 5th d. St. Valentine’s Day
5. December, 26th e. Fool’s day
6. March, 8th f. Halloween
7. February, 14th g. Guy Fawkes

Task 2. Study Appendix (Chapter 5, Key vocabulary “Celebrations”).Write 5 sentences of your own using the expressions from the Key Vocabulary section.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 611 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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