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Christmas cards

A) Read and translate a list of things and tips you can write in your Christmas cards.

B) Try to think of an additional example for each one.

You can say ‘thank you’: Thanks for helping me. Thanks for teaching me. Thanks for being there for me. ………………………………………………. You can show appreciation: I appreciate your hard work. I appreciate your … I appreciate what you’ve done for me. ………………………………………….
You can wish them well: Have a merry Christmas. Have a happy New Year. Have a safe journey home. …………………………………………… You can recognize person’s good qualities: You are always kind to me. You always help me when I’m in trouble. You are always there for me. …………………………………………
You can say sorry: I’m sorry that I can’t be with you. I’m sorry that I didn’t call you as often as I should. I’m sorry that I caused you so much trouble. You can say how lucky you are to know these people: I am lucky to have a friend like you. I am lucky to have parents like you. I am lucky to have a teacher like you. …………………………………………..
You can express some good hopes for the New Year: I hope you are healthy in the New Year. I hope you are happy in the New Year. I hope we can spend a lot of time together in the New Year. …………………………………………… You can express some good wishes: I wish we could be together. I wish you well in the New Year. I wish you the best of luck in the New Year. …………………………………………
You can say why you are glad: I’m glad that we could be spend time together. I’m glad that I met you. I’m glad that we kept in touch. ………………………………………………. You can make a promise: I promise to work harder. I promise to be a better friend. I promise to call you often in the New Year.. …………………………………………

Task 10. Danny Mayers is at an international language school and can’t go home for the holidays. Read three Dan’s different post cards that he wrote to his parents, his teacher and his friend. Fill in the blanks with the words given above the cards.


have hope know glad wish
Jack, It’s been a good year and I am 1) __________that I got to 2) _____________ you. I 3) _______ We will have many good times together in the New Year. 4) ___________ a safe journey home and a merry Christmas with your family. Best 5) __________ for the New Year.


for lucky kind appreciate wish
Dear Mrs. Black, Merry Christmas! Thank you 1) _________ teaching me over the past year. I 2) ________ the time you spend to explain things to me. You are always 3) _________ and friendly when I ask a question. I am 4) __________ to have a teacher like you. I 5) ______ you a healthy, happy New Year. From Dan Mayers.


have miss letters over know sorry forward
Dear Mom and Dad, I’m 1) ______________ that I can’t be with you for the holidays. I really 2) ________ you both. Thanks for your 3) ___________, phone calls and support 4) __________ the past year. You are always there for me if I have a problem. I don’t 5) ________ what I would do without you. I’m looking 6) _________________ to seeing you in the New Year. 7) ____________ a merry Christmas. Love Danny.

(based on http://bogglesworldesl.com/christmas_cards.htm)

Task 11. Write 3 Christmas or other post cards to different people you know using expressions and patterns from the previous exercises. Each card should contain about 60 words.


Chapter 1

Key Vocabulary “Family”

Read, transcribe and translate or find the meaning of the following words and expressions. Learn them by heart

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