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Money quiz

Task 10. Study Appendix (Chapter 2, Key vocabulary “Money terms”) and complete the following task.Give the names for the defined money expressions.

1. a fixed amount which is paid, usually monthly, to workers of higher rank a s _ _ _ _ _

2. an amount of money which you had lend to someone a l _ _ _

3. a sum of money which is owed to someone a d _ _ _

4. money which is in the form of coins and notes, not cheques c _ _ _

5. an amount of money you receive, usually weekly, in return for labour or service

a w _ _ _

6. money paid by divorced father to his former wife for the upkeep of his child a _ _ _ _ _y

7. tax on imported articles paid to the Customs _ _ _ y

8. paid at a restaurant after eating a b _ _ l

9. extra percentage paid on a loan i _ _ _ _ _ _ _

10. money paid for professional services, e.g. to a doctor a f _ _

11. money paid by state, usually to students a g _ _ _ _

12. money paid by a company or the state on your retirement a p _ _ _ _ _ _

13. paid as a punishment for breaking the law a f _ _ _

14. paid to the government for services that the state provides t _ _ _ s

15. paid while traveling, especially on public transport, buses, trains, etc a f _ _ _

Task 11. Choose the correct alternative. Use dictionaries if necessary.

1 When you retire at the age of 65, you receive a (an) … from the government.

a) allowance b) fine c) grant d) pension

2. If production in that factory exceeds the target, the workers get a …

a) bonus b) donation c) gratuity d) premium

3. Income tax is … to one’s annual income

a) associated b) based c) dependent d) related

4. The … of living has risen by 25% in the last 6 months

a) cost b) expenditure c) expense d) price

5. The kidnappers demanded a … of $ 1,000,000.

a) fine b) penalty c) ransom d) reward

6. The World Bank has criticized the United states for not giving enough financial … to the East European countries

a) aid b) allowance c) loan d) premium.

7. You can … your basic wage by working longer hours

a) effect b) help c) implement d) supplement

8. A salesman is paid a … on the goods he sells

a) commission b) percentage c) provision d) salary

9. The President admitted taking … and had to resign

a) bribes b) fees c) fines d) premiums

10. In our country … of $ 250 is paid weekly to a family with more than three children

a) an allowance b) a fee c) an income d) a wage

11. Mr. Mean cannot bear to … even the smallest sum of money for a charity appeal.

a) give in b) let out c) part with d) pay off

12. Mr. Rich earns $ 8,000 a month … and $ 5,000 a month net

a) bulk b) gross c) mass d) wholesale

13. You can only … this postal order at a post office

a) alter b) cash c) exchange d) pay

14. If they are not more careful with their accounts, they will go …

a) bankrupt b) broken c) penniless d) poor

15. The Finance Minister will be making a … today about new rates of income tax

a) declaration b) notice c) statement d) talk

16. If I had another $25,000 a year, I would consider myself …

a) well deserved b) well done c) well made d) well off

17. All the workers in our firm get a Christmas … of $ 100

a) bonus b) fine c) prize d) reward

18. “Can you … something for the orphans?” he asked, rattling a collecting-box

a) give b) leave c) provide d) spare

19. Before making a business, you have to raise the necessary…

a) capital b) currency c) investment d) savings

20. While you are away from the office on business trips, you will be given a daily… of $50 towards meals and accommodation

a) allowance b) fine c) permit d) reward

Task 12. Let’s go shopping!

1. Together with your team members make a list of products you need to buy in a supermarket to live in a dormitory for one week.

2. Count your budget and draw the final sum of money you need.

Task 13. Make up a dialogue. Working withyour partner cover the following issues:

· Tell about the person in your family who is responsible for your family budget.

· What do you spend your family money on?

· How do you plan your expenditures and ways to reduce your expenses?

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