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Parents as Role Models

Parents and other family members are the most significant models for young children. Society often blames the family for the problems of their individual members but social problems such as economic depression, inflation, unemployment, civil unrest etc. also work to shape the individual. Each family has their own opinions about these problems based on their value systems, which may lead to the family to take certain actions when these problems touch their family. Personality theories of socialization can also be used to account for traditionalization, in regard to sex roles. The child's parents are used for the models in early sex role socialization; boys take after their fathers and girls their mothers. Because there is no formal education for parenthood new parents tend to fall into the rigid sex roles of their parents before them to get things done, perpetuating the cycle.

Parents serve as role models not only through direct interactions with their children, but through the examples they set with their attitude and behavior within the family and in the outside world. By addressing their concerns, sharing their lives, and maintaining a constructive perspective, parents can be sure they are excellent role models for their children.

Task 3. Study Appendix (Chapter 3, Key Vocabulary ”Personality traits”) and complete the following task. Use the words in the box to describe the following family members.

possessive independent cold sympathetic
malicious meek quiet bossy
secretive popular honest cheeky

1) You never really know what my aunt’s daughter is thinking – secretive.

2) My little brother is always saying nasty things about people. –

3) My cousin is a really nice guy, but he won’t stand up for himself. –

4) My sister gets invited to lots of parties. –

5) My grandfather is quite old now, but he still likes to do everything for himself. –

6) My mother is always telling people what to do. –

7) My uncle understands people really well and sees things from their point of view. –

8) My step-sister gets really annoyed if another girl talks to her boyfriend at a party. –

9) My future brother in-law always starts fighting at public places. -

10) My grandmother is not a warm, affectionate person. –

11) My father just sits and doesn’t say anything. –

12) I always tell the truth. –

Task 4. Read the following descriptions. Write down an adjective that describes the person defined. Then think about your family members, write the name of the relative near the adjective who is exactly like that.Tell your parner about your relatives’ character.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 611 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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