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TEST 7 (UNIT 7- Metamorphic Rocks)

Choose the correct item.

1.Metamorphic rocks show that _______________

A. original rock has changed from its primary form

B. original rock has been subjected to pressure

C. original rock developed from a sedimentary rock

2.Metamorphic rocks split into thin sheets because of _____________

A. flattened particles

B. platy minerals

C. flaky materials

3.The main factors in metamorphism ____________

A. pressure and climate

B. temperature and pressure

C.heat and agents

4.There are ______ forms of metamorphism in nature.




5.The following term is used to define “surrounding older rock”:

A. country rock

B. altered rock

C. contact rock

6. Regional metamorphism occurs in________________

A. subducting continental plates

B. colliding continental plates

C. eroding mountain ranges

7.A large amount of heat makes the rock ______________

A. stable

B. ductile

C. rigid

8.The two main types of metamorphism are_____________

A. contact and regional

B. contact and foliation

C. burial and lineation

9.Slate has__________________

A. slaty cleavage

B. gneissosity

C. schistosity

10.The land surface is mainly produced by _____________________

A. heating and cooling

B. expansion and contraction

C. erosion

11.Which of the following metamorphic rocks doesn’t have foliation_____

A. schist

B. hornfels

C. gneiss

12. Hornfels usually form from_______________

A. contact metamorphism

B. regional metamorphism

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 484 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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