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Choose the correct item. 2.The Earth can be compared to _________

1.The Earth has_________ layers.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

2.The Earth can be compared to _________.

A. an onion

B. an apple

C. a cake

3.The shape of the Earth is ______________.

A. round

B. flattened sphere

C. oblate spheriod

4.The largest ocean in area is _______________.

A. the Pacific

B. the Indian

C. the Atlantic

5.Earth is ________________.

A. stable

B renewing

C. nonstatic

6. Atmosphere consists mainly of _________________.

A. nitrogen and oxygen

B. oxygen and carbon

C. nitrogen and hydrogen

7. Mantle rock is denser than________________.

A. crustal rock

B. oceanic rock

C. molten rock

8. The lithosphere includes ______________.

A. continental crust and oceanic crust

B. asthenosphere and uppermost mantle

C. uppermost mantle and crust

9. The boundary between crust and mantle is know as _______________.

A. transition zone

B. Moho discontinuity

C. D- boundary

10. The mantle is rich in _________________.

A. silicon

B. iron

C. magnesium

11. Asthenosphere is________________.

A. a rocky surface

B. a weak zone

C. a basalt zone

12. The lithosphere is divided into_____________.

A. seven gigantic plates

B. seven continental plates

C. seven crustal plates

13. The globe surrounded by a gaseous envelope is called ____________.

A. asthenosphere

B. lithosphere

C. atmosphere

14. The ocean basin makes up approximately __________ of the Earth.

A. one third

B. two thirds

C. three fourths

15. Continental crust is of _____________________ composition.

A. basaltic

B. granitic

C. dolomitic

16. The transition zone is located______________.

A. above the uppermantle

B. above the lower mantle

C. above the core

17. The main Earth building blocks are_____________.

A. non-metals and metals

B. natural substances

C. elements and minerals

18. The most abundant mineral in the crust and mantle is ____________.

A. silicon

B. silicates

C. aluminum

19. The mantle has three sections which is not correct?

A. the lower mantle

B. the middle mantle

C. the upper mantle

20. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. the outer core contains iron

B. the mantle contains iron

C. the inner core contains no iron

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 588 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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