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A. permeation

B. petrifaction

C. impregnation

3. Fermentation takes place

A. in the presence of oxygen

B. in the absence of oxygen

C. in the presence of nitrogen

4. Diagnesis is

A. a series of chemical reactions

B. a series of changes in pressure

C. a number of factors

5. Fossils are restricted to

A. in igneous rocks

B. in metamorphic rocks

C. in sedimentary environments

6. Most fossils are

A. organisms

B. terrestrial animals

C. sea animals

7. Coal was formed as a result of

A. fossilization

B. fermentation

C. carbonization

8. Relative dating means

A. geological age of a rock or fossil

B. geological age of a rock or fossil expressed in units of time

C. chronological arrangement of fossils or rocks with respect to the geological time scale

9. Another word for “set of characters” is

A. features

B. facies

C. sequences

9. Earth’s history can be

A. locked up in rocks

B. found inside the Earth’s surface

C. laid down in rocks

10. There are ___________ types of dating.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

11. Geologists study

A. geology

B. Earth

C. Universe

12. Dating is used to construct

A. time lines

B. time intervals

C. time periods

13. Periods are generally named for

A. geologic basins

B. geographic locations

C. geologic beds

14. If we know the age of fossils, we can figure out

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 482 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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