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A. circular

B. oval

C. cone

7. The top of the volcano is usually

A. an inverted crater

B. an upside plate

C. an circular cone

8. Which of the following is not a lava flow?

A. aa

B. basic

C. pahoehoe

9. Aa has this name because:

A. cooled rocks are soft

B. cooled rocks are sharp

C. cooled rocks are hot

10. Pahoehoe is a word taken from what language?

A. American

B. Indian

C. Hawaiian

11. When a volcano erupts what fuses out of it?

A. pyroclastic materials

B. gases and junk

C. solid materials

12. What is another word for fissure volcano?

A. crack

B. plateau

C. linear

13. Pyroclastic materials include:

A. ash, pumice and tuff

B. ash, pumice and lava

C. ash, tuff and rocks

14. What is ash?

A. anything that shoots out of the volcano

B. it is little stuff

C. it is anything that is 2 mm or less.

15. What is the wrong conception of the term “ ash “?

A. it is the same as cinder

B. it is fine in texture

C. it is something soft and fluffy

16. What is a synonym for “ pumice ”?

A. cooled lava

B. volcanic glass

C. magma with holes

17. How is tuff formed?

A. by the consolidation of ash

B. by the consolidation of pyroclastic materials

C. by the consolidation of ash and pyroclastic materials

18. What is not the formation of igneous rocks?

A. cooled lava or magma

B. molten rocks

C. ash and pyroclastic materials

19. How many major types of volcanic landforms are there?

A. five

B. six

C. four

20. What is another word for “ landform ”?

A. edifice

B. structure

C. shape

21. The physical structure of a volcano is:

A. shape

B. edifice

C. form

22. What determines the shape of a volcano?

A. type and consistency of the magma

B. flow rate of the magma

C. temperature of the magma

23.What makes lava thick and viscous?

A. silicon

B. iron and oxygen

C. silica

24. If there is less silica, then lava is

A. thicker and viscous

B. thinner and runnier

C. thinner and viscous

25. Ash and cinder cones are:

A. lava cones

B. explosion cones

C. concave cones

26. Which of these have more silica?

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