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C. felsic lava

27. What lava forms shield volcano?

A. felsic

B. magma

C. basaltic

28. The Hawaiian Islands are composed of:

A. shield volcanoes

B. steep-sided volcanoes

C. composite cones

29. What is silica?

A. compound of oxygen and silicon

B. compound of nitrogen and silicon

C. compound of silica and iron

30. Composite volcanoes are also called:

A. concave volcanoes

B. stratovolcanoes

C. ash volcanoes

31. The composite volcano has layers of

A. ash and lava

B. lava and magma

C. lava and pyroclastic materials

32. Which of these volcanoes is the most explosive one?

A. composite

B. fissure

C. nuee ardente

33. Which of these volcanoes don’t erupt?

A. fissure

B. composite

C. shield

34. Which of the following isn’t a volcano?

A. Vesuvius

B. Kilimanjaro


35. If the magma chamber empties, what happens?

A. a caldera forms

B. a volcano disappears

C. the volcano top blasts off

36. What do fissure eruptions form?

A. lava volcanoes

B. basalt plateaus

C. volcanic edifice

37. Why is nuee ardente called disasters?

A. because of its speed and erupted materials

B. because of its cloud of gas and explosion

C. because of its speed and devastating effects

38. Which of these volcanoes are the highest?

A. composite

B. shield

C. cinder

39. What type of rock is formed as a result of a volcanic eruption?

A. sedimentary

B. igneous

C. metamorphic

40. What is not a volcanic feature?

A. magma chamber

B. vent

C. reservoir of gas-molten rock

41. What are “ hot-spot ” volcanoes?

A. active

B. dormant

C. extinct

42. What is the best-known product of volcanic eruptions?

A. lava

B. basalt

C. silica

43. Basalt is formed by partial melting of

A. magnetite

B. olivine

C. peridotite

44. What word does not correspond to the term igneous?

A. effusive

B. volcanic

C. magmatic

45. What verb describes a volcano?

A. emit

B. erupt

C. come out

46. What is a volcano?

A. a vent through which magma and pyroclastic materials erupt.

B. pressure which relieves rocks

C.explosive eruption ejects solid fragments from the center of the Earth.

47. What is the science that studies the structure and origin of volcanoes?

A. seismology

B. volcanology

C. geology

48. What rock is not igneous?

A. rhyolite

B. obsidian

C. shale

49. What does the term pahoehoe mean?

A. sausage-like

B. ropy

C. lumpy

50. Where is Mt. Helen?

A. Washington State

B. Oregon

C. Califorina

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 481 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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