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Match the term with its definition and then find its translation

1. fault move downward relative to the other side сброс
2. upthrow vertical shift горизонтальная амплитуда смещения
3. downthrow lateral shift висячий блок
4. hade move upward relative to the other side дизъюнктивное нарушение
5. heave inclination to vertical plane вертикальная амплитуда смещения
6. throw rock mass below the fault plane отклонение от вертикали
7. footwall rock mass above the fault plane лежачий блок
8. hanging wall fracture along which the opposite sides are displaced взброс

4 Fill in the gaps with the missing words.

A fault is a (1) _______________ along which one side has moved (2)_____________ to the other. The term fault is generally used for (3)___________ fractures. A fault divides a rock into two (4)________________. The bottom surface of the upper block is the (5)____________, and the top surface is the (6)_________________. Faults are classified in terms of the (7)_________________ of the fault surface. The fault dip may be more than (8)_______________, which is called (9)______________. If it is less than (10) __________, it is a (11)____________. A fault can be divided depending on the (12)___________ of the (13)__________. Also they are subdivided on terms of (14) ____________. Faults may also be either (15) ________ () or (16)___________ ().

5 Read the following fault types. The look at the diagrams and then try to draw them by heart. and draw a diagram. (R.P –,

1. Normal fault – stretching breaks rocks along

a steep fault plane, and one block drops or rises

against the other.

2. Reverse fault – compression forces one block

up and over another. A thrust fault is a reverse fault

with a low-angled fault plane producing great

horizontal movement.

3. Tear (strike-slip, transcurrent, wrench) fault

horizontal shearing along a vertical fault plane.

Transform faults are tear faults at right angles

to oceanic ridges.

4. Graben- a long, narrow block sunk between

two parallel faults.

5. Horst- a horizontal block raised between

two normal faults

Дата публикования: 2014-11-03; Прочитано: 634 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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