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Chapter nineteen


  1. I thought you’d be rather toffee-nosed and cool. – Я думала ты задерешь нос и будешь холоден со мной.
  2. without much ado – без дальнейших разговоров
  3. to tighten girths – подтянуть подпруги
  4. My green young hurdler took fright, reared up like a circus horse, twisted sideways, and threw me off. – Мой молодой скакун испугался, встал на дыбы, как цирковой, дернулся в сторону и сбросил меня на землю.
  5. taking the bull by the horns – (посл.) взять быка за рога; переходя прямо к делу
  6. He doesn’t know me from Adam. – Никогда меня не узнает.
  7. I got off by the skin of my bloody teeth. – Я с трудом выкрутился.
  8. It was ton to a tanner – (слег.) можно было побиться об заклад

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. She was well into her second helping of hot game pie when she said in a friendly tone, ‘I wish you’d eat something too.’
  2. Did I shrink from seeing the façade stripped from another friend to reveal the crocodile underneath?
  3. He thought if he fixed a cert it would be worth a fortune. He made a packet out of it, all right.
  4. I suddenly had no reservations.
  5. There could be an uneasy truce between us.
  6. I had got to unseat him without hurting the horse.

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. невыносимый – p.95
  2. выполнила свой тяжелый долг – p.95
  3. несправедливый – p.95
  4. посредник – p.96
  5. настоящее и прошлое смешалось – p.97
  6. потерял равновесие – p.98
  7. восстановил равновесие – p.99
  8. вещественные (веские) доказательства – p.99

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. Why did Kate come to the races at Banbury? What did she want to tell Alan?
  2. How did Alan react to her apologies? In what way did Alan propose to Kate?
  3. What worried Alan before the race? Whom did he suspect of being Uncle George’s contact?
  4. When did it become clear to Alan who it was? Why didn’t Sandy deny it? What were his reasons for being involved with Uncle George?
  5. Why couldn’t Alan prove anything?
  6. What did Sandy try to do to Alan during the race? Who saved him?
  7. How did Alan get even with Sandy?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

to get more and more miserable

to see how you reacted

looked a bit dazed

you can’t prove a thing

an easily recruited ally

he bloody well deserved it

I wouldn’t have had the resolution to try it again

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