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Chapter sixteen


  1. to shoot on sight – стрелять на поражение
  2. The sight of his car … gave me a chance to square things with my conscience. – Машина, которую я увидел, позволила мне успокоить свою совесть.
  3. an inch of mahogany – дверь из красного дерева дюймовой толщины
  4. His mind was very nearly unhinged. – Он абсолютно сумасшедший

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. The whispering voice had done my nerves no good.
  2. He had to ring them up and give them a fairy lengthy account of what was going on.
  3. For a sickening moment I thought that my bird had flown during the time it had taken me to ring Lodge and travel the half mile from the taxi.

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. вызвать подозрение – p.86
  2. переулок – p.86
  3. любой ценой – p.86
  4. справочная – p.86
  5. соединить с дежурным сержантом – p.86
  6. подстрекать водителей убить Алана – p.86
  7. арестовать – p.87
  8. открыть дверь одним прикосновением – p.87
  9. панель управления – p.87
  10. угроза – p.88

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where did Alan go to in Brighton? Whom did he ask directions for the police station?
  2. Where did he park his car? Why?
  3. What were the orders of the whispering voice on the radio?
  4. Whom did Alan phone? What did he explain to Inspector Lodge?
  5. Why wouldn’t Alan wait for the arrival of the police in the taxi?
  6. How much time did Alan give the police to get the necessary evidence against the criminals? What did Alan intend to do at that time?
  7. What did he find in the Marconi-car office? Whom did he expect to apprehend there? Why? What car did he notice in front of the building?
  8. Why didn’t Alan disclose his presence at once? What was he waiting for?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

to ask directions

to buttonhole someone

to eye my dirty appearance

he could no longer keep his fury

my heart sank

quick getaway

at two-second interval

at close quarters

to be completely unaware of

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 267 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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