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Chapter eleven


  1. I didn’t get suspended by the Stewards – Распорядители не отстранили меня
  2. dead cert – фаворит
  3. Turkish bath – турецкая баня
  4. What a blabbermouth – Вот трепло!
  5. private eye – частный детектив
  6. Palindrome was an odds-on favourite – Палиндром был безусловным фаворитом, на которого уже были сделаны ставки
  7. to come out unscathed – закончит скачку целым и невредимым, не пострадает
  8. I went out like a light – я отключился, потерял сознание

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. The Stewards had held an inquiry into his behaviour during the last race on Champion Hurdle day, and, in the official phrase, ‘severely cautioned him as to his future riding’.
  2. Could a friendship survive between two men who were in love with the same girl?
  3. You look as if you’d seen a ghost.

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. все сплетни касались Джо – p.58
  2. кто-то подложил записку – p.59
  3. вода капала с полей шляпы – p.59
  4. промокнуть насквозь – p.59
  5. очки будут только мешать – p.59
  6. проигнорировать предупреждение – p.60
  7. отмена в последнюю минуту – p.60
  8. отказаться наотрез – p.60
  9. цвета были неразличимы – p.60
  10. неохотно – p.60
  11. был в наилучшей форме – p.61
  12. ударил ногой – p.62

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What was the weather like in Bristol?
  2. How did the weather affect the races?
  3. What was the main gossip in the weighing-room?
  4. Why was Joe in the best of spirits?
  5. What were the relations between Alan and Dane? What was the cause of some coldness?
  6. Why was Alan seeking Sandy? What did he want to discuss with Sandy? What did he learn from the conversation with Sandy?
  7. Why did Alan feel like withdrawing from the race? Why did he finally give up the idea of withdrawing?
  8. What happened during the race? How bad was the fall? What did he notice before losing consciousness?
  9. What did Alan ask Pete to do if Palindrome fell?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions?

to send a message

to be afraid of being overheard

to show off

his mouth will get him into a right mess

to be well aware of my pursuit

mud was splashed on their faces

to mount their horses

Class nine (Chapter 12)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 256 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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