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Chapter twelve


  1. You have a broken collar-bone, four cracked ribs and multiple contusions. – У вас сломана ключица, трещины в четырех ребрах, множественные ушибы.
  2. The smile was a lopsided affair – Улыбка получилась кривой
  3. I’ll place a standing order with Interflora, for lilies. – Я оставлю постоянный заказ на лилии в Интерфлоре.

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. He had reared me himself, not delegating the job to a succession of housekeepers, boarding schools and tutors as many a rich man would have done, but spending time playing with me and teaching me, and making sure I learned in my teens how to live happily and usefully under the burden of extreme wealth.
  2. ‘I said it was too much like a funeral, sending you flowers.’

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. четкий – p.62
  2. повлияло на вашу память – p.63
  3. загорелый, в хорошей форме, изысканный – p.63
  4. облегчить боль – p.63
  5. выкинь это из головы! – p.64
  6. договорились! – p.64
  7. иметь предчувствие – p.64
  8. несчастный, жалкий – p.64
  9. опасаться худшего – p.65
  10. виновники – p.65
  11. значимость – p.66

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. In what condition was Alan after the fall? How seriously was he injured?
  2. What affected his memory? What did he remember? What dreams disturbed him?
  3. Were Alan’s will and spirits affected by the accident? What were his intentions?
  4. What did Alan and Kate speak about on the phone? Why did Alan pretend that he wanted to read to Kate something in the paper?
  5. Whom did Alan find in Scilla’s bed-room? What were they doing?
  6. What did Alan learn from questioning Henry? How important was this information?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:


to give up the pretence


to sleep for a while

What happened was still a blank

to puzzle over the gap in my memory

to stitch up a cut

to exaggerate

to fear the worst

a quickly suppressed giggle

Hang on a minute!

the extension telephone

husky and whispering voice

Class ten (Chapter 13)

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 229 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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