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Chapter fifteen


  1. assorted knuckledusters – разнообразной формы кастеты
  2. I was still not unduly dismayed. – Я еще пока не сильно отчаивался.
  3. The arable land gave way to bracken. – Пашня сменилась зарослями папоротника.
  4. as cock pheasant on a snow field. – (ср. русск.) как на ладони
  5. a conifer forest – хвойный лес
  6. A horse can dare just so much and no more. – Лошадь способна на риск до определенного предела, но не больше.
  7. But first things first. – Но сначала самое важное.
  8. slow trot – медленная рысь
  9. a four- fingured signpost – дорожный столб с четырьмя указателями
  10. hindquarters – задние ноги (лошади)
  11. a spiked metal knuckleduster – металлический кастет с шипами
  12. before I could pin it down – прежде чем я сообразил, что именно

I. Explain the following phrases:

  1. I didn’t find our situation particularly encouraging.
  2. There was only sporadic traffic on it.
  3. I was hunting a prey myself, now. A taxi, detached from the herd.
  4. ‘He is very particular what he walks on,’ I said.
  5. We could do with more, to be sure of him.

II. Find in the text the English for the following Russian words and word combinations:

  1. рассеяло мои последние сомнения – p.79
  2. целился в лошадь – p.79
  3. в пределах досягаемости – p.80
  4. ломал голову – p.80
  5. смутно представлял – p.80
  6. мог быть замечен – p.80
  7. мое местонахождение – p.80
  8. недооценил – p.81
  9. направляться к конюшням Пита – p.81
  10. мог разобрать (понять), что он говорит – p.82
  11. говорил четко – p.82
  12. оттащил его – p.83
  13. кличка – p.84
  14. сумерки – p.84
  15. подслушивать – p.85

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. How did Alan try to escape from the Marconi-cars? Why was it difficult?
  2. Why did he think that he underestimated them?
  3. What were they aiming at? Why was Alan an easy target?
  4. What did Alan do not to be spotted by the drivers? What was his aim?
  5. How did Alan manage to capture a driver? What for did he need him?
  6. How did Alan manage to get the necessary information from the driver? What did he do to him after that?
  7. What did Alan learn from listening to the conversations on the Marconi-car radio? What were they planning to do with Alan?
  8. What voices did Alan recognize? Whom did they belong to?
  9. What was Alan’s destination?

IV. Find in the text the following words and word combinations, translate them and use them while answering the questions:

a gun fitted with a silencer

to dismount

there was no one in sight

leaning casually against the taxi

the mumble of their voices

the milk lorry rattled out of sight

to walk purposefully in my direction

to my destination

outskirts of Brighton

Have you anything to report?

Class thirteen (Chapters 16 – 17)

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